How can human beings think and work with other temporalities than those dominating our contemporary, hyper-efficient societies - and how can such kinds of work help us meet life on earth in more caring, innovative and relational ways?
As a temporal scholar (Ph.d.), organizational expert and adviser I pursue such questions though projects, workshops and writing revolving around the deep transformation of society towards sustainable coexistence with the manifold life on our planet.
Right now, and in a 1000 years.
Why time?
The world is changing rapidly and violently. Our way of organizing our society has created major ecological, social and economic downturns. New forms of action and understanding how we create value in the world are needed.
Today's organizations must find their way in a globalized, complex, accelerating reality in order to cope and at the same time be relevant in the competition with peers. The modern organization finds itself in a huge cross-pressure between the great long term and ethical challenges, and the constant demands for efficiency and growth here and now. I call it a time hybrid.
The diagnosis does not just apply to organizations - it is general. The expectation that we as humans optimize ourselves and use our time efficiently is today a completely normal pressure on both adults and young people. At the same time, gloomy future scenarios have become part of everyday life that we do not know what to do about. When our space of action thus deviates from our space of experience - we are too busy to really act on what we perceive as important - we lose meaning and feel alienated from the world.
As a human being and time researcher, I am seriously concerned about how we can deal with this pressure in ways that enable us not only to survive, but to create more meaningful and temporally varied ways of being in the world. For ourselves and everything we are connected to: each other, organizations and institutions, nature, the materials we use and consume.
As an advisor and facilitator, I work to support such forms of meaningful development that make organizations and their inner and outer lives more temporally sustainable. Sustainability is more than big visions and plans; it is a creative, continuous work with the time horizons, habits, knowledge, relationships, meetings and decisions of organizations and people.