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Is time a challenge for you?

Time pressure is a problem in most modern businesses, large and small. 73% of Danish companies experience time pressure to a degree that makes it 'a significant work environment problem', more than every third 27-38-year-old in the labor market are stressed almost constantly, and lack of time is the main reason for companies to hold back on important developments such as sustainable transformation.

It's expensive to be under time pressure. It costs to have employees on sick leave, it costs to recruit new ones, and if the busyness leads to avoiding demanding but important change processes, it can also cost future innovation gains.

It's also tiring to be under time pressure. The potentials for improvement that leaders see, can be difficult to find time to lever. The changes that employees may be dreaming of require changes in structure and processes, for which there is no extra capacity.

All of this can lead to a weakening of the meaning and purpose of the company - what you want in the world. So how do you find time for the important things? Not just for the sales of tomorrow or this year, but for the company's operations in the world? How does the organization create time and space to be meaningful for employees, managers, external stakeholders and society?

Clock Gears

«Vi likte meget godt å jobbe sammen med Christina. Hun var både kunnskapsrik, hyggelig og energisk i måten hun ledet oss gjennom en ledersamling med søkelys på bærekraft, og hvordan vi allokerer vår tid (eller ikke!) til dette viktige arbeidet i en omskiftende og ustabil verden.


I tillegg så likte vi den litt annerledes måten å ha gruppeoppgaver på som utfordret oss og kastet ett litt annerledes lys over de muligheter og utfordringer vi står ovenfor. Etter samlingen fikk vi også en meget nyttig og god oppsummering som gjør at vi lettere kan fortsette med arbeidet. Vi anbefaler veldig gjerne Christina til andre.»


Rolf G. Skaar, COO Flakk Gruppen

Illustrated Map

How can you use me to create change?

I work with you to identify specific challenges and potentials in your organizational use and understandings of time. I offer analyses, workshops, strategic development and evaluations.

The starting point is a conversation about how time works in your organization, and how this affects your agency. We then decide on tools and methods for further exploration of your particular needs.

In this change work, we examine how time, development and meaning are connected with you. We look at best practices and identify the temporal pressure points you yourself experience and would like to do something about. We look into the future and go in depth with how you can navigate and act in an increasingly unstable world, where the climate crisis is rumbling and where we can no longer solve the problems by doing things faster. Where time is needed to think together, and courage is needed to act towards the 'long future' in the imminent present.

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